The Project
"Youth Platform" took place in NGO "Jaunatnes Čemodāns"
("Youth Case") in Rēzekne, Latvia. It was an EVS host project.

Main themes
of the activities were creativity and culture, youth work and health. The goal
of the project was to popularize EVS projects among youngsters and support
youth initiative and active participation. Duration of the project for
volunteers was 12 months. Volunteers Jesus Jose Moreno Quesada from Gran
Canaria (Spain) and Rober Zohrabyan from Armenia participated in the project.
leisure time activities, youth initiatives, outdoor activities were main
project activities. Different educational activities based on non-formal
education were organized during the project. For example, educational
expeditions, expedition with canoes, interactive activities and lessons at
schools, summer children camps,
educational seminars for children and youth, presentations about the
project, EVS, Erasmus+ and Solidarity Corps, thematic and creative workshops,
activity “Human Library”, project photo exhibition “Latvia in our hearts”,
dance and guitar classes, activity “European language day”, national and
cultural afternoons, discussion club (about EU, environment and renewable
energy, security and human rights, European elections 2019, youth employment,
migration and integration, etc.), language clubs (English, Spanish, German), the
creation of blog, planting trees, building bird houses, etc.

following non-formal education methods were used: group work, learning by doing,
expeditions, scientific activities, outdoor activities, national days, orientation
activities, discussions, team-building, reflexion and ice-breaking activities.
The implementation of the project at Jaunatnes
Čemodāns was very important because it had a huge impact on increasing the
activities of the association.
The Youth Platform project has helped local young people to understand what European volunteering means and what opportunities it offers for each individual's personal growth. The project encouraged young people to take more initiatives and become more enterprising.
During the project, young people made new friends from abroad, developed and improved their communication skills by speaking foreign languages (Spanish, German, English). Moreover, thanks to the project youth got their first working places being a mentor and helping to write a project report. Volunteers and young people gained valuable life and social experiences during the project, as communication with foreign people always brings new experiences.
Through volunteering, volunteers learned new skills in working with children and young people, as well as important life competences, such as learning to collaborate and bring their ideas to life, learning to work in a different environment, team building, to find compromise, to agree on concrete steps to achieve goals.
During the project realization, Jaunatnes Čemodāns made a strong cooperation with local government and municipal organizations (Rezekne City Council and Rezekne Culture and Tourism Board supported the project idea and co-financed the project; Rezekne Central Library, Orthodox Culture and Education Center, Rezekne Secondary schools, Rezekne State Polish Gymnasium, Rezekne Secondary School of Art, Rezekne Technical School, Luzhnava Manor, local mass media - newspapers "Panorama Rezekne" and "Rezekne Journal", Children and youth center in Lipushki, etc.).
By participating in the project, the volunteers reflected the diversity of European society. Through a volunteering project, we have shown how people with different abilities and backgrounds can contribute to making a positive difference in the local community as well as in the lives of one individual.
The project promoted youth solidarity and confidence, and volunteers initiated new innovative activities in society. In general, volunteering provided an opportunity for informal and non-formal learning, making it an important tool for lifelong learning.
The Youth Platform project has helped local young people to understand what European volunteering means and what opportunities it offers for each individual's personal growth. The project encouraged young people to take more initiatives and become more enterprising.
During the project, young people made new friends from abroad, developed and improved their communication skills by speaking foreign languages (Spanish, German, English). Moreover, thanks to the project youth got their first working places being a mentor and helping to write a project report. Volunteers and young people gained valuable life and social experiences during the project, as communication with foreign people always brings new experiences.
Through volunteering, volunteers learned new skills in working with children and young people, as well as important life competences, such as learning to collaborate and bring their ideas to life, learning to work in a different environment, team building, to find compromise, to agree on concrete steps to achieve goals.
During the project realization, Jaunatnes Čemodāns made a strong cooperation with local government and municipal organizations (Rezekne City Council and Rezekne Culture and Tourism Board supported the project idea and co-financed the project; Rezekne Central Library, Orthodox Culture and Education Center, Rezekne Secondary schools, Rezekne State Polish Gymnasium, Rezekne Secondary School of Art, Rezekne Technical School, Luzhnava Manor, local mass media - newspapers "Panorama Rezekne" and "Rezekne Journal", Children and youth center in Lipushki, etc.).
By participating in the project, the volunteers reflected the diversity of European society. Through a volunteering project, we have shown how people with different abilities and backgrounds can contribute to making a positive difference in the local community as well as in the lives of one individual.
The project promoted youth solidarity and confidence, and volunteers initiated new innovative activities in society. In general, volunteering provided an opportunity for informal and non-formal learning, making it an important tool for lifelong learning.
More information, photos, video and
presentation materials can be found on the blog of the project –
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