воскресенье, 30 октября 2022 г.

Startup4Youth (04.06.2022. - 10.06.2022.)

Mācību gads beidzās, toties Latvijas, Lietuvas un Polijas jauniešiem bija burvīga iespēja turpināt apgūt jaunas prasmes, iegūt noderīgas zināšanas, atrast jaunus draugus un paziņas no ārzemēm, piedaloties neformālās izglītības starptautiskā jauniešu apmaiņas projektā "Startup4Youth".

Rēzeknes Valsts poļu  ģimnāzija un Rēzeknes 6.pamatskola ir biedrības “Jaunatnes Čemodāns” sadarbības partneri, ar kuriem tika realizēti vairāki kopējie projekti. 

 Starptautiskais jauniešu apmaiņas projekts “Startup4youth” notika no 04.06.2022. līdz 10.06.2022. Eiropas Komisijas programmas “Erasmus+” ietvaros.  Projektu realizēja biedrība “Jaunatnes Čemodāns”. 

Projektā piedalījas arī jaunieši no Avižieniai Ģimnāzijas no Lietuvas un no MOW Trzebiezy organizācijas no Polijas.

Projekts bija veltīts jauniešu uzņēmējdarbībai. Projekta mērķis bija mācīties par uzņēmējdarbību no jaunajiem uzņēmējiem, attīstīt projekta dalībnieku biznesa domāšanas pieeju, pilnveidot jauniešu biznesa prasmes, kā arī angļu valodas zināšanas.

Projekta beigās katrs dalībnieks saņema Jaunatnes pasi “Youthpass” sertifikātu. 

Projekta blogs http://startup4youth.blogspot.com



The project initiative was born among participants of our youth organization. They are really interested in topics of the project. After presentation of the idea to some of our international cooperation partners, organizations from Poland and Lithuania showed great interest. That is how we have chosen partners of the project and started to work on details of the project. 

 The aim of the project: 

To learn about entrepreneurships from young entrepreneurs, to develop their business thinking approach and to improve their business skills. 

Objectives of the project: 

1. Entrepreneurship awareness. Learning from other experience and learning by doing. Getting some exclusive knowledge, which can help to become entrepreneur one day. 

2. Internet and social media competence development. Learning about e-tools, which would help with business idea development. Checking it on real cases. 

3. Intercultural education and integration. It is important getting to know the attitude of tolerance, understanding and accepting differences. Still there are stereotypes, which should be beaten among our participants. 

4. Business idea development among participants. Influenced by Workshop experts and their stories. Startup event business idea event would be hold on. 

5. Foreign language importance. Project will motivate participants to learn foreign languages, as also they will have great possibility to practice English language during the project. English is one of the international business languages. 

Startup4Youth project has to widen Youth awareness about entrepreneurship. Often youth has very optimistic, stereotyped thoughts about business persons, as a lucky one- who are flying to business meetings to other countries and driving supercars. But they don’t really know, what businessman had to go through to get to this level. 

They have idea, that they want to become such person one day, but they don’t know, what to start with. This project has to show real entrepreneur stories not always lucky, but some of them really grate. To show, how to make first steps in idea to develop your own business. 

It is important to make safe first steps, otherwise loosing at the beginning of this way can cost too much- losing a dream, becoming entrepreneur one day. Checking out experience of local entrepreneurship case studies will definitely help them to see- that there are companies, which were started by young people. 

There are governmental organizations, which support young entrepreneurs- we want to introduce them to our project participants. 

We want to pay more attention of crucial role of internet and social media in nowadays entrepreneurship. Explain and show, how to use different web tools for getting right auditory for your business plan realizations. Encourage youngsters to prepare themselves for constant self development during all their life. Presenting motivational stories, which could be not possible without lifelong learning. 

Intercultural education is important topic, which is also connected with entrepreneurship. No doubts, that it can bring sustainable way of living together in multicultural societies through understanding and respecting different groups. 

Business has started cooperation among different nations. It is important to brake emotional, stereotyped walls between nations and bring them closer to each other. 

To organize at the end of this action Startup event- open meeting among participants about own business ideas. Common SWAT analysis of the ideas. Some activities of the project should take part in global language of business- English. Participation in the project would be additional motivation for youth learning English and other foreign languages.


Projekts “Startup4Youth” tika finansēts ar Eiropas Komisijas “Erasmus+: Jaunatne darbībā”, kuru Latvijā administrē Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra, atbalstu. Šī publikācija atspoguļo vienīgi autora uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildību par tajā ietvertās informācijas jebkuru iespējamo izlietojumu.  

The project “Startup4Youth” was financed with the support of European Commission’s “Erasmus+: Youth in Action” administered in Latvia by the Agency for International Programs for Youth. This publication reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in. 

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