No 2014.gada 3.februāra līdz 2014.gada 20.augustam biedrība "Jaunatnes Čemodāns" realizē starptautisko jauniešu iniciatīvas projektu "Connected by rivers!". Projekts tiek realizēts ES programmas "Jaunatne darbībā" ietvaros.
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"Connected by rivers" is a transnational youth initiative project. It is realized by Latvian youth NGO "Jaunatnes Čemodāns" (Rēzekne) and Polish youth society "Akademia Wspierania Mlodziezy" (Police). The main themes of the project are European awareness and environment. Objectives of the project are to promote young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular and to foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries. Activities of the project take place in Police and Rezekne. Project lasts 7 months, number of participants 10 youth from each country (Poland and Latvia). Main activities: get to know more about European Union, European Parlament, European rivers and our local rivers. Participants of the project take part in the photo and internet-blog making workshops. Youth also will take part in Rezekne river cleanup activities. The project is based on non-formal educational methods. The project is realized in the framework of the EU programme of non-formal learning "Youth in action".